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SXI 113÷443

SLIM fan coil units for built-in installation with EC Inverter tangential fans

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The SXI 113÷443 water terminals are designed to meet all installation requirements, whether vertical or horizontal recessed, in domestic or tertiary environments such as offices, hotels, restaurants, gyms and shops.
When part of a hydronic system equipped with a liquid Chiller, the unit generates cool air silently and with instantaneous reaction. While, during the winter, if combined with a thermal system, it provides warm air, making possible to meet home or business heating needs. An easily removable and cleanable air filter absorbs and retains dust in suspension keeping the air quality at a suitable level and allowing the execution of continuous cleaning cycles, which are particularly important to guarantee suitable hygiene standards, especially in highly frequented rooms.
The units, equipped with EC Inverter motor, modulate the air flow adapting the performances instant to instant to the actual needs of the room to be conditioned, thus assuring a total comfort with greater energy savings.


  • SXI/IF/EC - Vertical unit with EC Inverter fans, front inlet and vertical delivery
  • SXI/II/EC - Horizontal unit with EC Inverter fans, bottom inlet and horizontal delivery

Power range

  • 1.1-4.1 kW
  • 0.3-1.2 Ton


  • Load-bearing structure made of galvanized steel-sheet, with internal thermal-acoustic insulation characterised by a thickness of only 13 cm.
  • Easily removable and washable air filter, with a fine mesh structure made of honeycomb polypropylene net.
  • Condensate drain pan provided with natural condensation drain and thermal insulation.
  • Heat exchanger coil made of copper pipes and aluminium fins, water connections provided with anti-torsion system, manual air vent and water drain valves.
  • Fan section provided with tangential fan in plastic material with aximmetric blades directly coupled to the EC Inverter electronic motor. Modulating regulation with 0-10Vdc signal with control panels provided as accessory or with independent regulation system.
  • Standard water connections on the left side in front of the unit.

Loose accessories

  • C1 Auxiliary condensate drain pan for vertical versions
  • PM Supply plenum
  • P9A 90-degree intake plenum
  • V23 3-Way on/off valves for 2-Pipe system
  • V23M 3-Way modulating valves for 2-Pipe system
  • V25 3-Way On/Off valves with 2 shut-off (ball) for 2-Pipe system
  • V25M 3-Way modulating valves with 2 shut-off (ball) for 2-Pipe system
  • V22 2-Way On/Off valves for 2-Pipe system
  • V22M 2-Way modulating valves for 2-pipe system
  • V26 2-Way on/off valves with 2 shut-off (ball) for 2-Pipe system
  • V26M 2-Way modulating valves with 2 shut-off (ball) for 2-Pipe system
  • FTN Dummy frame for built-in version
  • PHN Aesthetic panel for FTN
  • DRH2 Wall mounted configurable electronic control panel for AC/EC versions
  • SRH1 Wall mounted Wi-Fi configurable electronic control panel
  • SNW4 Water temperature probe
  • TMB3 Minimun hot water temperature thermostat 32°C
  • TMB4 Minimum hot water temperature thermostat 42°C
Max coolingTotal cooling capacity (1)kW1,132,273,254,09
Sensible cooling capacity (1)kW0,851,682,402,96
Water flow (1)l/h194389558702
Pressure drops (1)kPa21,515,215,027,5
Heating MaxHeating capacity (2)kW1,252,373,424,30
Water flow (2)l/h218413595748
Pressure drops (2)kPa21,014,313,724,1
Cooling MedTotal cooling capacity (1)kW0,651,271,782,35
Sensible cooling capacity (1)kW0,480,931,301,69
Water flow (1)l/h111218305404
Pressure drops (1)kPa8,05,55,210,3
Heating MedHeating capacity (2)kW0,681,261,772,36
Water flow (2)l/h119220308412
Pressure drops (2)kPa7,04,64,28,1
Cooling MinTotal cooling capacity (1)kW0,360,720,991,34
Sensible cooling capacity (1)kW0,260,520,710,94
Water flow (1)l/h62124170229
Pressure drops (1)kPa2,92,11,93,9
Heating MinHeating capacity (2)kW0,370,680,941,28
Water flow (2)l/h64119165224
Pressure drops (2)kPa2,31,51,42,7
Water volumedm³0,601,101,582,07
Water connectionsIn / Out"G1/2" F1/2" F1/2" F1/2" F
Input voltageMaxV10101010
Air flowMaxm³/h195352514620
Electrical characteristicsPower supplyV/Ph/Hz230/1/50-60230/1/50-60230/1/50-60230/1/50-60
Max absorbed powerkW0,0140,0200,0230,027
Absorbed power MedkW0,0050,0070,0080,008
Absorbed power MinkW0,0020,0030,0030,003
Sound pressureMax (3)dB(A)42444546
Med (3)dB(A)25272829
Min (3)dB(A)22232425
WeightsTransport weightkg13151921
Operating weightkg11131618




  • 1 Ambient air temperature 27 °C d.b./19 °C w.b., water temperature 7/12 °C.
  • 2 Ambient air temperature 20 °C d.b., water temperature 45/40 °C,
  • 3 Sound pressure level measured at 1 m from the unit with reverberation time 0,5 s.
  • N.B. (1) Inhibited ethylene glycol can be added to the water.
  • N.B. (2) Maximum operating pressure 1500 kPa.
  • N.B. (3) Maximum inlet water temperature 90 °C.